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Your organisation, your employees, in fact YOU…

You are at the heart

of our success. That’s why you and your company’s vision and objectives are central to what we do: we reduce internal friction, enhance social skills in your team and strengthen your functional resources. TELOS – Institute for Psychology & Business leads the way to a more efficient information flow and improve collaboration and team work, the foundations of a sustainable productivity growth.


Psychology & Business for 25 years.

TELOS – Institute for Psychology & Business is a private institute for further education, with South Tyrolean roots. Our international coaches and lecturers have been active in staff development for 20 years.

We work according to the mission learning. knowing. doing. applying the special TELOS-seminar methodology. Our custom-made training programs follow a holistic psychological approach that invigorates each individual participant’s expertise, eloquence and personality. You profit from that as our client, as the TELOS seminars and consultations strengthen your professional competence as well as your credibility and personality.


Seminars and coaching with TELOS – Institute for Psychology & Business

can help you cut back frictions in your firm, enlarge social competences and strengthen cooperation resources. Special workshops strengthen management, boost sales, raise communication flow, encourage cooperation and optimize your clients‘ satisfaction. Thereby you can enhance productivity and efficiency of your staff.

TELOS coaches and lecturers offer two important qualities

• relevant professional experience in key positions
• a sound psychological education

They travel all over Italy, Austria and Germany to work with clients from a wide range of different industry sectors.
Our training languages in courses, workshops and consultations are German, Italian and English.

Choose the appropriate training course for your concern

• leadership and management
• communication and clients‘ orientation
• sales and negotiations
• advertising, PR, wording
• rhetorics, moderation, presentation
• claims, conflicts, mobbing
• team development and team training
• health, stress, burnout
• personality and self-confidence



Our clients are large organizations and associations, small and medium-sized firms and public educational institutions. Some comments of our partners are shown below:
„We work with TELOS because further education is more than dry theory“, Julia Senoner, Adler Spa Resorts.
„We are expanding continuously. The staff development steps by TELOS allow us to quickly integrate the new collaborators into our concern and to perfectly prepare them for their tasks.“ Dr. Desiree Giacomuzzi and Dr. Sascha Giacomuzzi, Giacomuzzi GmbH.


TELOS – Institute for Psychology & Business since 1996, founded by Dr. Elmar Teutsch, psychologist of economics, management coach and psychotherapist.


Managing director

Mag. Magdalena Gasser, conflict consultant and coach, since 2001.

TELOS – Institute for Psychology & Business

Your experienced partner for organizational and personnel development: seminars, workshops, trainings, personal coaching. Psychological practice, conflict counseling, psychotherapy.

It will be a pleasure to answer your questions.

Mag. Magdalena Gasser
Managing director

How to reach us

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